August 10, 2015

Train to Tarawera

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The SQUADRUN “Train to Tarawera” programme is the perfect solution to help you prepare for the 60, 85 or 100km ultra distances.  It’s customizable and gives you the control to plan your training around your busy life while TaraweraUltraLogo2detailing the important runs by priority so you never miss what matters most.  Coach Kerry will ensure the intensities are tailored to your specific fitness and ability and guide you through the essentials of making the programme work right for you.


The team at SQUADRUN is committed to not just helping you achieve your goal of running well but also to ensuring you enjoy the journey from now to the finish-line.

At only $10/w the “Train to Tarawera” represents exceptional value.

    • Get 1-7 tailored training runs each week, specific to your fitness
    • Join the exclusive SQUADRUN community (it’s hard to explain the true value of this, you wont believe it until you witness it)
    • Group Discounts and special offers
    • Finish-line “Officers Mess” to celebrate your achievement or relax following your long day on the trails.  Complementary things!
    • Regular features like “Tune-up Tuesday” along with “Coaches Notes” and community support will ensure you have all the info and support you could ever need!
    • Access to Kerry and the affiliated team of professional support services including:

Corey Hinde – Strength and Conditioning Coach Nutritionist, Weight-loss, and Motivation specialist (ThatFatLossBlog)
Mikki Williden – Head Nutritionist, Sports and performance nutrition specialist. (MikkiWilliden)
Clair Akin-Smith – Body Movement, Injury Prevention and recovery specialist. (AppliedMovement)
As well as cast of experienced elite and professional athletes.

Find out what SQUADRUN clients are saying about their experience!

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If you want to know more, contact Kerry – [email protected]

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